Monday, October 15, 2012


How much damn more money do I have to spend?!?! If all the wedding ang pows, traveling, macbook repairs, glasses etc etc etc is not enough, let me add one more to the list. 

Hear this:

My car's air-conditioner gave up on me today! FUCK! Honestly, fuck the words that I use. I got into my car this morning as usual to drive myself to work and the moment I switched on the air-cond, a foul smell was emitted then hot air then came the hissing sound. Immediately you know that something is damn wrong. So I ended up driving all the way for an hour with my windows down. Thank God it was 6.30am in the morning.

I was hoping that the car will decided to stop its nonsensical "strike" in the evening. Nope, the air-cond decided to continue its strike. I drove all the way in the hot sun with my windows down. Drove straight to a workshop and wow great news to end my sucky day! I was right - leakage. Leakages can happen either from the inside of the car or out. But as "lucky" as I am, the leakage had to happen from the inside which means more money and more hassle. It will take a day to repair and will cost me minimum $700!! If it was the outside $100-300 will do it. WTF!

I have no plans when I will bring it for repairs but I know I will rather drive with my windows down for now. Is it really time to change my car? I have been looking and considering that option. Or is it true what they say - a car knows when its owner is tempted to get rid of them then they start acting up? I'm just looking, preparing for the future for God's sake! Like it or not, the car must go by law in 2.5 years so live with it!



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