Monday, September 24, 2012

Macbook hospitalised

My beloved MacBook Pro of 3 years was hospitalised on Saturday :(

I was using it as usual on Thursday evening when suddenly my webpages stopped loading. Thought it's my connection again so I switched the airport off and on again. When I did that, it says AirPort card not installed. *Jeng jeng jeng* Then the batter turned red asking me to service the battery

Tried re-starting it but nothing happened. It still shows AirPort card not installed. *Jeng Jeng Jeng* So I turned my lappy off hoping that it must be tired and needed rest coz I left it on since Sunday. I only put it to sleep whenever I'm done because I didn't wanna lose the tabs I had opened. 

Friday was out all day and the first thing I did on Saturday morning when I woke up was to dash for my lappy. It wouldn't turn on!!!! The only thing I see appearing before my eyes was a white screen and a gray apple. Nothing happens after that.....tried a couple of times, same thing everytime.

Had to send it to "hospital" in the afternoon and when we were there, the lappy decided to turn itself on again! But airport card refused to wakeup still so my poor lappy has to be "warded". Now am just waiting for the call to see what exactly is wrong.

My dear lappy, I hope fixing you won't be too expensive!!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Running low on dough **Updated 19 Sep 2012**

**This list will be edited as we go along**

I just realised that I have too many holiday/travel plans coming up and a lot of events (eg: weddings etc) coming up 2nd half of this year........bad money planning - I'm heading for doomsday :(

OK here's what.

1) Births - 2 (colleague & close friend)
2) Weddings - 1 (close friend)
3) Visitors - 1 (close friend from Estonia)
4) Birthday - 1 (hubby)

1) Birthday - 1 (mine)
2) Wedding - 1 (friend I made in Kenya) - Added 20 June 2012

1) Births - 2 (both are very close friends)
2) Birthday - 2 (grandma and best friend)
3) Wedding - 2 (close friend) Updated 03 September 2012
4) Outing - colleagues

1) Travel - 2 (KUL, AUS) Updated 19 September 2012
2) Wedding - 1 (cousin)

1) Travel - 4 (2XHKG, Malacca and KUL)
2) Wedding - 1 (cousin)

1) Christmas
2) Wedding  - 2 Updated 03 September 2012
3) Travel - 1 (SGN) Updated 19 September 2012


1) Chinese New Year
2) Travel - 1 (family trip)

1) Travel - 1 (TWN)


A day of good news

A good day but as usual, nothing so fantastic as it comes to an end.....

First I received confirmation that I will go to Vietnam on business trip in December to attend coffee conference. Made reservations for myself and a colleague who will be attending the conference with me.

Then, the news of my successful application for Singaporean PR came in the mail. Refer to my other post on this topic alone.

I left the office on time today - did not leave earlier. Stayed till my official end of the day. The moment I got home, received an SMS from my manager - my promotion has been confirmed! I will be promoted effective 1st Oct! I don't know what I will be promoted to because of the current organisational changes but I'm guessing that I'll be called Senior Account Manager or something like that. 

Finally came the fact that I will not have to fly budget to Hong Kong =p I'm flying SQ!

Ahhh.....of course the day ends by going home and...........ok stop.

A PR today

I received my Singapore PR approval today! It isn't anything impressive to be offered the PR because to be honest, apart from being able to apply for any jobs in the market and have retirement fund contribution from the company, there is no other benefits by being a Singaporean PR.

Instead, I think there might be more disadvantages for those of us who would prefer to remain Malaysia or have no intentions of moving to Singapore. For example, I will never ever be allowed to drive a Malaysian car into Singapore for as long as I am still a PR. 

But what surprises me is the duration between application and being approved. I submitted my application on 15th August 2012 and was told that I will hear from them within 4 to 6 months. I have many friends who are now Singaporean PRs and the average waiting time is 4 months. But I got mine within a month! The letter was dated 17th September and I received it today! A colleague applied for hers back in January and received her letter only mid-May.

Whatever the reason why i got mine so quickly - I have now 2 weeks to submit some more documents before I get my blue ID card. Next stop - medical checkup!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Lynn in London!

Lynn has finally arrived in London! A new beginning that will change her life forever - this is the beginning and I'm super impressed with what I have heard so far about how mum is coping! Super cool mum man!

I can still remember when I first got the news that I will be leaving for Moscow. Mum started getting emotional like 2 months before I was scheduled to fly. Everytime I go shopping for something she gets emotional, when someone asks when I will be leaving she gets emotional - basically anything that will link to me leaving, she will get emotional. But this time, hmm....peaceful!

Apparently Anlynn has started walking around in London on her own already! 

Have fun Lynn!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Leaving the nest

The "little" girl's last night at home - she will be leaving the nest tomorrow finally her turn. She's actually the first to be leaving the nest at such a young age - going to London tomorrow to further her studies. Both Gie and I attended uni in KL so that was the furthest we went until I left home to Moscow when I was 25. 

I don't want to know how the atmosphere is at home right now - I can only guess. I said goodbye on Sunday and Gie is back home right now. I guess I will only see her again in 9 months, if she comes home for summer otherwise I don't know when.......Gie will see her most often, whenever she flies London she will most likely get to meet her for dinner or something. 

She'll be going to KL tomorrow on her on just like how I left for Moscow but at least she has a friend flying with her and our cousin has arranged a cab to be waiting for her at the airport. 

I'm sure she'll be great and will love London. 

Bon voyage, have a safe flight tomorrow Lynn! And enjoy your time in London!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Officially Kevin Cheng'd fan

There my Fanclub membership pack arrived in the post today 😊😊❤❤

Didn't manage to get an autograph, this will do for now. Though not autographed in front of me but still autographed by him. It's not printed ok! He autographed them!

Visitors and Lynn leaving

This week is a busy week back home - 2 visitors are in town, one from China and another from Australia. Mum's gonna have her hand full again with 2 visitors in tow and grandma to take care of. To top it up, she's busy getting Lynn ready for her maiden journey to the other half of the world - London!

Yes, Lynn will be the first in our family to study overseas. She's always always different! She went to a Chinese primary while two of us went to national school. She went to our rival secondary school. She went to rival college in KL. She went into arts. She is a straight As student. She did not learn to play the piano (only a couple of months so that doesn't count). And now, she's going overseas. Hmmm.....bizarre.....

Anyway, I will be seeing her for the last time this year this coming weekend when I go back to catch up with her before she flies off on 911. Then it will be a year before I get to see her again. Gie will be seeing her more often since London is practically her 3rd home now, after BP and SG. Lynn will be missing out on a lot like our CNY trip to wherever but she will be having a lot of fun on her own too! Freaking jealous!!! London!!! C'mon I only ended up in Moscow, Italy then Africa! Now am back. Told her do not ever return. 

Anyway, sister, you'll do well. Don't worry too much. London's a civilized country you will survive.