Thursday, December 29, 2011

4 days to 2012!

What's the plan for the weekend? How are you planning to welcome the new year? We are only 4 days to the new year! How fast!

This is always the time to reflect. How did 2011 turn out for you? Has it been fruitful? Or are there things you could have done better or shouldn't do? How do you want 2012 to be? Have you thought about it?

Apart from the usual health and happiness for all around me and of course myself, I hope in 2012 I will get to leave my present job and become my own boss. For that to happen, I hope 2012 means my business will prosper although I will tone that down a little judging from the weak economic outlook for the next 2 years.

Hoping for more travels next year - 3 max I guess since the amount of annual leave I have is pathetic. No money also.....

OK but good start to the year - I'm going to Bali in Jan! Then there's a chance to go to Mumbai though this idea is getting less exciting as time passes. I can't spend too many days there so not sure if it's worth it to pay so much for the visa and then just be there for a week. A good friend's getting married. In October, there's Melbourne! My cuz is getting married so that I'm definitely going with or without the husband. Hmph!

I need to plan something for mid-year. If you don't already know, Singapore has very few public holidays and there is a long period of dry spell from May till August. And if you are in a job you hate, that feels like a century!

Anyway, let's forget that one now. I need to plan what I wanna do this weekend - how am I going to welcome 2012? Tough....this decision gets tougher as you get older...hmmm....

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

How was your Christmas?

I can't wait for the end of the week! It's going to be another long weekend - thank God.

How was your Christmas? How did you celebrate Christmas?

It was a very lazy weekend for hubby and I. I spent S$998 on an iPhone 4S as Christmas cum Wedding Anniversary gift for hubby :( while I continue using my iPhone 3GS. He in turn gave me a Tanzanite pendant (google it in case you don't know what a Tanzanite is). He bought it 6 months ago during his business trip to Tanzania!!! Wow! Impressed.

I slept late on Friday night (4.30am) and woke up 12 hours later on Saturday. A quick and simple dinner and stayed home till 11pm or so when his friend called. Just a simple short mamak affair where we had our countdown and got home at 2.30am. Late Sunday, woke up at noon and lazed at home till dinner time. Dinner with in-laws (McDonald's) then drinking session with close friends. Just the 6 of us, no crowd, great seats followed by Lok Lok for supper at 3am! Superb!

Woke up at 9am Monday morning (holiday!). I had the cleaner over that's why I couldn't sleep in. Lunch with friends then went home right after and went over to his mum's for dinner.

End of long weekend. How depressing.....

Sunday, December 25, 2011

First X Factor USA Winner

Melanie Amaro is the first X Factor USA winner!!! 

She's my fav since the very beginning and I'm glad she's won. 

Merry Christmas!

Another Christmas! 

Wishing all my friends and family a very Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year! 

Wishing all the good things for all, including myself and that 2012 will be a better year and that God will give us strength to brace the coming uncertainties in the world coming forth.

Merry Christmas

Monday, December 19, 2011

Kim Jong Il dead at 69

Kim Jong Il, the dictator of North Korea has died at 69. He died apparently of a heart attack as early as Saturday but report of his death was only revealed this morning.

Sounds like CNN? =p

Yup, he's dead. Could it be the fall of dictatorship in North Korea and they open up like Soviet or China? Will Kim Jong Un rule with an iron fist like his father? Left to be seen. Hope that they will see what is going outside and not live for their own benefit only.

Thursday, December 15, 2011


No No, not by my hubby but my customer. Some idiot of President he is for his division. Extremely petty and totally unlike someone who is holding such an important position. Sorry to say that he will not go far because to be an achiever you must know how to move on and look beyond.

So yes we rolled your cargo, so yes you missed the Christmas sales. So what? What has happened has happened and especially when it is 3 weeks ago! Why are you still haunting me, attacking me personally with your sarcasm? I am trying my might to be patient but don't push me as I will retaliate - I promise you. Don't assume that I won't just because you are the customer. I don't give a damn. Don't you know that this company is not owned by me? I am only an employee and nothing is within my control? You can't see that I have tried my might or did you refuse to see it?

If you don't trust me nor do you think I'm helping you submit your claims why did you even bother writing to me with all your sarcastic comments? Are you getting the kick out of it or what? What an idiot.

Who are you? Shankar Nore from Olam Singapore that's who you are. Yes, sue me. I named you so what?

Jacky Cheung *Updated with pictures*

Jacky Cheung was awesome! His showmanship was awesome! A real professional and am not sure if there will be another like him. Maybe there are and maybe they all are but this is effectively the first and only Chinese act I have seen so far.

I have seen Boyzone (TWICE!), Aerosmith, Linkin Park, Westlife and Scorpion but never a Chinese act.

Our seats were not the best but that was what was left when we booked (they actually released 500 more just 2 weeks after we bought ours). 4 shows in total. They started off with 2 then added additional 500 seats per show then added 1 more show and then another show and then finally 500 seats to those 2 additional shows. They were still all sold out within minutes! Imagine that! The crowd was awesome too and they really sang along!

But going there made me feel even older. Made me feel that age is really creeping on me. Nobody there was in their early twenties! Most of us are over 30 and quite a handful 40's, 50's, even 60's! Saw a couple of teenagers but I bet they are there because their parents made them tag along. Sad huh? more rowdy crowds and I am damn sure the organizer knows this that's why our seats are numbered. No numbers when I went to Aerosmith, Boyzone, Linkin Park nor Westlife.

And the best thing? Very very few of the audience actually knew the words to his newer songs. I for one have never even heard of them! It was kinda boring but the 2nd half, the hall boomed with the crowd singing along to almost every song! Back to our era - that's the way we like it. Hehehehe...old farts!

I haven't got time to upload the pics yet. Security was terribly strict so not many pics taken. They didn't allow pics to be taken during the concert. No recording as well. But all of us tried anyways.

Friday, December 9, 2011

It's today!

Leaving in awhile.....but we are currently fighting a cold war so I guess the concert experience gonna suck big time. Damn!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Tired and giving up

I'm freaking tired, pissed and giving up soon. I don't know how long more I can take it, hold on any longer. Stop pushing will be no turning back once that happens.

Total disappointment and heartache. 

Jacky Cheung in 5!

That is 5 days for you all out there. 

Yes! I am going for Jacky Cheung's concert in 5 days! Can't wait.....I didn't use to like Jacky Cheung during his hey-day because he was part of the Heavenly Kings with Leon Lai. Leon was my favourite during those days. When I was young and naive (about 20 years ago, OMG I didn't realise!), Leon was the best. Nobody, even if they are better, deep down I knew, was good enough.

But now that I am older and wiser, I will watch Jacky's concert, not Leon's. In fact, I have never been to any of Leon Lai's concert. Hmmm...oh because I was too young and too poor then. Hehehe.....

I'm sure it's gonna be good! I gave up catching it in Singapore back in August just because he would have sang more mandarin songs rather than cantonese and I am pretty sure he would have spoken in mandarin too. That totally defeats the purpose of watching a Hong Kong act. 

Counting down!

PS: I didn't know Storm is in KL! Today's the last performance. Damn!