Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I'm Back!!!

I'm finally back in Nairobi again after 3 weeks. It was, yet again, a very tiring trip with an average of 5 hours sleep a day. This trip is definitely much better than the last and not much happened - nothing big anyway. Except maybe the last 2 days of our stay in Malaysia where I got pissed off with hubby.

As planned, we stayed away from each other for 3 days - he went back to JB while I stayed back in BP and I must say it did us well! It's the first time we've stayed away from each other since....er since.....end of June last year! Wow...it's been more than a year since we had our "me time" BUT towards the end of the trip, he took this a little too far by going out with his friends and leaving me at home. I have said many times before that I DO NOT WANT TO BE LEFT ALONE AT HOME IN JB!!! He did that TWICE and back to back! I mean, that's the whole point about me staying in BP and he going back to JB - make use of those times to meet friends he wants to without having me around! After that - not supposed to have anymore of such "luxury"

Our flights were all great - of course they have to be right? That's what business class are for! And during our flight back from Dubai to Nairobi, we were actually in the same flight as Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher!! Uh huh - the real deal! I have no idea what they are doing here but my best guess - vacationing. I was very tempted to walk right up to them and ask for a picture but then I thought if I was in their shoes, I wouldn't like to have people disturbing my vacation. They are human after all. They are entitled to have their own time just like all of us. It doesn't have to change just because they are celebraties. I took a couple of pictures - 3 to be exact - but they turned out a little blur. What to do? Iphone doesn't have the anti-shock function.

Hehehe....yeah you read right - I have a new Iphone now! Hubby got Sam to get one from Australia - IPhone 3G(s). It's my belated birthday present and why Australia? Because apparently, it is one of the 3 countries in the whole world that is licensed to sell unlocked Iphone - in Apple Store.

I will post the pics later - connection is extremely slow today (yeah, when has it ever been fast huh?) and I'll blog about grandma's 90th in another post.


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