Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Back in Malaysia

Finally on Malaysian soil. Arrived on Sunday and only managed to get online today. Have not gone back to my family yet - still at my in law's. Hubby has left me alone in the house with his mum while he's having fun with his childhood friends in a snooker centre somewhere since 4 hours ago (hopefully that's really where he is). His nephew is out with his girlfriend hence the free computer :)

I can't wait to get back to BP and can't wait to see everyone again! The party's started arriving as early as 5th September but the real numbers are arriving on 10th, we're one of them. It's gonna be really fun - I can already feel it. Just pray hard that some people don't spoil it. I have a number of ideas in my head to make it even more fun like poker games, Karaoke or even mahjong! Emmm... even thinking of it makes me wish that the time fast forward just a little faster till Thursday. It's gonna be a crowd. Fun crowd.

I always thought that this trip will be a relaxing trip but so far, it hasn't been so except the past couple of hours. We're still not getting enough sleep, we're still sleeping as late as the previous trip and waking as early. We have less activities but somehow the sleep just doesn't tally. For example, last night we only managed 1.5 hours of sleep. Since Friday, the night before I left Nairobi, I have had an average of 3 hours of sleep per day!!!

Last night was scary. We came back after meeting up with a friend at around 2am. When we got home, we noticed one side of the auto-gate was opened. We got worried coz break-ins are notorious in JB but we were damn sure we shut it when we left the house a couple of hours earlier. Anyway, my mother-in-law would have noticed it opened when she was getting ready for bed and the fact that she didn't only means that we did shut it after all. The other side of the gate refused to open so we had to manage with only one gate open. We realised afterwards that the 2nd gate refused to budge and after hubby pushed it open, both gates refused to shut. They kept opening and shutting on their own as if they have their own mind! There was no way the control in our hand is able to control its movements anymore.

When it finally did settle down for awhile, hubby secured both gates with a pad-lock. It settled until an hour later when it finally decided it will revolt. Both gates started trying with all their might with break the padlock away, opening and closing thus making extremely loud banging noises. It was almost 4am by this time. Hubby tried to fix it but there is just no way to hold it down. It was alive! It was a scary sight especially when we're in the 7th month of the lunar calendar which is also more widely known as the Ghost Festival, where hungry ghost are let out to roam the earth for 1 month. Hubby, a Buddhist, tied a talisman to the padlock and although the banging still continued but with much much less force than before and a lot less noisy. We finally called it a day and went to bed at 5.30am while the alarm is set for 7am.

The gate has been real good all of today. Nothing has gone wrong yet. I still choose to believe it's a fault of the electric wiring, nothing more. We'll see if it comes back tonight....... :s


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