Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Back from Melbourne and off to Hong Kong

Am back from Melbourne! A week in Melbourne did good to my skin :) It was terribly cold, nothing like Spring at all! It was averaging 12-13 degrees celcius the whole time I was there but me like though I still do not think much of Melbourne. Not my cup of tea unfortunately.

I honestly do not remember how I spent my days there because I have visited places I need to visit when I was there 10 years ago. So it was just very relaxing trip, sleeping 10 hours everyday. That is until Ann Gie arrived then I was sleeping a lot less -_-"

Sam's wedding was awesome. We learnt a lot about Vietnamese culture that day and saw a lot of pretty Vietnamese girls as well. The wedding was very well planned and grand. I'm pretty sure he spent quite a bit on that day alone though I would hate to guess how much. It was hard to leave - always is hard to see your holidays coming to an end but one have to return to reality sometime. 

Anyway, it is off to Hong Kong tomorrow! I only just unpacked my luggage and then pack it up again for my trip to Hong Kong tomorrow! Can't wait to touch down in Hong Kong again after a decade! 

Psst! Kevin Cheng is in Hong Kong right now!!! But fat chance of meeting him :( He's recuperating with an eye injury so no chance of bumping him on the streets not like I have the time to be walking around hopping to spot some stars anyway. This is a business trip.

Friday, October 19, 2012


Finally a holiday after more than 9 months! Australia tomorrow woot!! And it's Australia again after......10 years!

But it's also gonna be expensive :(

In other news, I received a surprise in the mail today. I won a Nescafe Dolce Gusto from DBS Card for using my credit card! I think they had a contest on sometime last month or something. You just have to charge a certain amount (can't recall something like $2000?) to your card and you're in running to win one!!

I will collect it when I'm back from Australia :)

Monday, October 15, 2012


How much damn more money do I have to spend?!?! If all the wedding ang pows, traveling, macbook repairs, glasses etc etc etc is not enough, let me add one more to the list. 

Hear this:

My car's air-conditioner gave up on me today! FUCK! Honestly, fuck the words that I use. I got into my car this morning as usual to drive myself to work and the moment I switched on the air-cond, a foul smell was emitted then hot air then came the hissing sound. Immediately you know that something is damn wrong. So I ended up driving all the way for an hour with my windows down. Thank God it was 6.30am in the morning.

I was hoping that the car will decided to stop its nonsensical "strike" in the evening. Nope, the air-cond decided to continue its strike. I drove all the way in the hot sun with my windows down. Drove straight to a workshop and wow great news to end my sucky day! I was right - leakage. Leakages can happen either from the inside of the car or out. But as "lucky" as I am, the leakage had to happen from the inside which means more money and more hassle. It will take a day to repair and will cost me minimum $700!! If it was the outside $100-300 will do it. WTF!

I have no plans when I will bring it for repairs but I know I will rather drive with my windows down for now. Is it really time to change my car? I have been looking and considering that option. Or is it true what they say - a car knows when its owner is tempted to get rid of them then they start acting up? I'm just looking, preparing for the future for God's sake! Like it or not, the car must go by law in 2.5 years so live with it!


Sunday, October 14, 2012

Broke again

Did I mention I spent almost $1000 to get my Macbook out of the hospital? That's not even it - I still cannot use the wifi? OK I think I did - hey you can't blame me. Age's catching up

I spent another $1700 over the weekend. -_-" 

For some reason, right is not happy with me and decided to fall "ill". I was diagnosed with astigmatism. Not critical, in fact very mild but because I have a lot of difficulties driving at night, my optician thinks it is best that I get myself a pair of prescribed glasses. So I said OK because driving at night is really a torture for me.

I combed her shop up and down, left and right for God knows how many times going from display units to display units. I shortlisted a couple. After a couple of rounds I managed to narrow down to 2 - both black frames but one had more character and rugged while the other is refined. I decided to go for the rugged version and then I saw the price tag!!!!! My choice $880. The other $580. Urgh! With discounts and all, I paid $880 with prescribed lenses.

This is how I look 4-eyed. 

But that's just $880 so what else? I shared with Ann Gie to buy mum a new handbag and also a pair of new Anna Sui's sunglasses. She tried on a couple and really liked the Anna Sui one. She looks really chio in them lor......anyway, I paid for them when I went to collect my own today. Told my optician to call mum tomorrow to get her in to get her eyes checked then tell her what's going on. She's gonna be so surprised! Hehehehe

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Macbook's home

My dear came home couple of days ago. I paid $20 short of $1000 to repair the battery and re-install the system. The airport is still not repaired so I'm going online via LAN. Apparently one of the electronic board has given up. I was told that there is no point replacing it - it will cost more than $1500 and a new Mac is $3699. If I don't mind not having a wifi, then there is no hurry to change it. 

Poor me.....am poorer than the church mouse!

Australia next weekend

Finally - a holiday.....a long awaited holiday! Let's see...my last holiday of the year.....Bali! OMG really are you serious? 

A lot of things need to be done before I fly - medical checkup (tomorrow), submit my medical report etc to complete my PR process, change money (sob sob) into Aussie dollars and Hong Kong dollars.

Nelson might not go - he hasn't decided. Whatever.....

I need to make sure all the important stuff at work are done before I leave. Quite scary if you ask me especially now that I do not have an assistant. I do not even dare to imagine if my mailbox will burst with emails when I return a week later but that's a thought for another day. I don't want to spoil my holiday. 

I just looked at my flight details - I'm actually regretting why I took such a late flight out of Australia (or is it the only?). I am arriving only 11.30pm Sunday night and I need to work the next day!!!! Argh stupid! Back to office for 2 days then it's off to Hong Kong. 

Busy times!