Monday, March 21, 2011


Hello people I'm back online! Got connected to Maxis broadband today after 1 week without any internet in the new house. 

We had applied for Streamyx before we moved in - the weekend before but TM told us that we need to have the homeline fixed before they will process out Streamyx application, which will take 3-7 days AFTER homeline installation. Fine. We got the homeline fixed the day before we moved in. On Tuesday I found out that my Streamyx application did not get through because they have no more available ports in my area. I got to know this through TM's agent.

I called Customer Care the next day but they told me they have not received anything like that recorded in the system. The lady told me that she will lodge a report for me for technical department to call me back. Nothing. I called again 2 days later and this time they told me no Streamyx order was lodged for me! I was asked to go to the nearest TM branch to check out.

So I did. Indeed, no more ports but have no idea where my order went. Maybe they cancelled it. I cancelled my homeline on the spot - when I did that, I told them specifically that I installed the homeline solely because of Streamyx. The customer service agent said can I offer you RM10/month without rental for you to keep your homeline? NO. 

Went straight to Maxis. Paid RM380 and  =) Now I'm back online! 

(No) Thanks TM. Would not have gone to Maxis if not for you and now I have up to 7Mbps speed. 


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