Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Monday (or Tuesday) I don't hate!

For the first time since I'm back at work that I don't hate Mondays (or Tuesdays). I actually was looking forward to it. Unbelievable? Not really.


Because that only means I am one day closer to moving out! Who can stand to hate Monday when that is just around the corner?

A lot of things are in my mind right now - these past couple of days especially after I have been to see KSL. A lot of projects and plannings going through my head now, so much so that I have difficulty sleeping. I wish things just ain't so complicated. URGH - wish I had the money and I can say money isn't a problem. That is what's stopping me. That's why I need to consider from so many aspects.

I can't write too much now - don't want to give anything away. And I'm busy - need to set some stuff up and get some stuff going. Stop procrastinating!!!!


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