Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Grandma, stay strong

Grandma (paternal) is in critical condition right now. She has been admitted to the hospital since Saturday and ICU since Monday wee hours. 

She is 90 (or is it 91) this year and according to my uncle, who is a doctor, she is suffering from heart failure. Doctor in the hospital says she only has about a couple of hours, best a day or two left in her. I am praying very hard that she can just hold on for another 24 hours for all of us to see her, to know that the cousins have flown so far to see her and that she will know that. 

Honestly, I didin't know it is so bad when I went to see her in the evening. Her stats improved significantly from this morning so I came back to JB. Should have stayed on. How stupid can I get? 

Grandma, please be strong and hang on........


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