Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Grandma, stay strong

Grandma (paternal) is in critical condition right now. She has been admitted to the hospital since Saturday and ICU since Monday wee hours. 

She is 90 (or is it 91) this year and according to my uncle, who is a doctor, she is suffering from heart failure. Doctor in the hospital says she only has about a couple of hours, best a day or two left in her. I am praying very hard that she can just hold on for another 24 hours for all of us to see her, to know that the cousins have flown so far to see her and that she will know that. 

Honestly, I didin't know it is so bad when I went to see her in the evening. Her stats improved significantly from this morning so I came back to JB. Should have stayed on. How stupid can I get? 

Grandma, please be strong and hang on........

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


SPM results out today and guess what? The brain of the family strikes again! My little sister who has happen to score straight A's so far in ALL government exams has scored straight A's in her SPM. **yawn boring.....**

Unbelievable huh? Yeah....nothing new.....boring....Lynn, time to give us real surprises like....I don't know?? Something instead of telling us you have gotten straight A's AGAIN???

CONGRATS SIS! Real proud of you!!!

Monday, March 21, 2011


Hello people I'm back online! Got connected to Maxis broadband today after 1 week without any internet in the new house. 

We had applied for Streamyx before we moved in - the weekend before but TM told us that we need to have the homeline fixed before they will process out Streamyx application, which will take 3-7 days AFTER homeline installation. Fine. We got the homeline fixed the day before we moved in. On Tuesday I found out that my Streamyx application did not get through because they have no more available ports in my area. I got to know this through TM's agent.

I called Customer Care the next day but they told me they have not received anything like that recorded in the system. The lady told me that she will lodge a report for me for technical department to call me back. Nothing. I called again 2 days later and this time they told me no Streamyx order was lodged for me! I was asked to go to the nearest TM branch to check out.

So I did. Indeed, no more ports but have no idea where my order went. Maybe they cancelled it. I cancelled my homeline on the spot - when I did that, I told them specifically that I installed the homeline solely because of Streamyx. The customer service agent said can I offer you RM10/month without rental for you to keep your homeline? NO. 

Went straight to Maxis. Paid RM380 and  =) Now I'm back online! 

(No) Thanks TM. Would not have gone to Maxis if not for you and now I have up to 7Mbps speed. 

Monday, March 14, 2011

Happy Monday!

Our new place is awesome!! Happy happy happy! Nice place - I feel really comfortable in that house. Not much has changed since we have moved in - we have not add much so no updated pics. If anything changes, will post them.

Friday, March 11, 2011

New House!

I have promised pictures of the place I will call home for the next 12 months and here it is! I finally got the keys today from the owner and everything you see in the pictures belong to the owner. They are already inside - we have not moved in. None of our belongings are in the house yet. We are only moving in tomorrow. 

Correct, even the bedsheets are not ours. NOTHING is ours. What you see is what I saw when I stepped into the condo unit today as well. Cool huh?

Thursday, March 10, 2011


I'm getting the keys to my new place tomorrow! Can't wait can't wait!!!!

Apart from that, why is life so difficult? Why is it that some people can be such bastards?! I really just don't get it! Why is my every single word taken out of context and everything I say or do is just not right? Why why why WHY? Just thinking of wanting to get out of that shit once and for all.

Should I?

When is the best time?

Life's a bitch. How the hell did I get into this mess?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Monday (or Tuesday) I don't hate!

For the first time since I'm back at work that I don't hate Mondays (or Tuesdays). I actually was looking forward to it. Unbelievable? Not really.


Because that only means I am one day closer to moving out! Who can stand to hate Monday when that is just around the corner?

A lot of things are in my mind right now - these past couple of days especially after I have been to see KSL. A lot of projects and plannings going through my head now, so much so that I have difficulty sleeping. I wish things just ain't so complicated. URGH - wish I had the money and I can say money isn't a problem. That is what's stopping me. That's why I need to consider from so many aspects.

I can't write too much now - don't want to give anything away. And I'm busy - need to set some stuff up and get some stuff going. Stop procrastinating!!!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

New Scam Method

I got this in my nelanz email today. I have no idea what are the implications if I replied but I did a quick check using the usual method - email header - and also googled sender's email which told me many others have already been a target. Just to be on the safe side, thanks to the sender who included a URL, I have sent an email to the address published on the website instead of replying to her directly. Let's see what happens tomorrow. 

In the meantime, if any of you receive email below, just remember - IT IS A SCAM! IP address shows China and the owner of the IP is a chinese fella. Not some corporation.

From: anna
Subject: Copyright Of "nelanzstore".(TO Principal)(Urgent) 
Date: March 2, 2011 2:07:17 PM GMT+08:00
To: sales
Dear Principal,       
We are a domain name registration and dispute organization in Asia,who mainly deal with global companies' domain name registration and internet Intellectual property right protection in Asia.Currently we have a very important issue that we need to confirm with your company. 

On Mar.1, 2011,We received an application formally from one company named Qornty Investment Co., LTD that wanted to applly for the Internet Name"nelanzstore" and some domain names from our organization.

After our initial examination, we found that the Internet Name and domain names applied for registration are as same as your company's name and trademark.These days we are dealing with this case,we were wondering whether you consigned Qornty Investment Co., LTD to register these domain names with us? If it is true,we will complete the registration of these domain names.Do you know this company? Currently,we have postponed this application of this company temporarily.In order to deal with this issue better,please contact us by telephone or email as soon as possible.

In addition,we hereby affirm that our time is limited for dissent application.If your company files no dissent within the time limit,we will unconditionally approve the application submitted by Qornty Investment Co., LTD.

(PS:If you are not in charge of this matter,please transfer this email to appropriate dept.)

Best Regards,

Hong Kong Head Office:
Tel: 00852 9566 0205
Fax: 00852 3069 6940

February Postings

Heh only 2 posts in Feb! What a feat !

Just a week away

We are only a week away to moving into our rented condo unit! I really cannot wait for that day to come. It can come a little faster you know. Whatever issues I will face with hubby can come later (he has a friend who stays just a stone's throw away and that guy is always calling him to go play PC online games in the Internet cafes). All I wanna do now is to move out and move on.

Apart from that, a lot is brewing. Work is really hectic and the container shortages which we are facing now is not helping. Have a huge budget this year and just as when I see improvements and confident in getting more business, we are facing equipment shortages in Malaysia. Not able to release any containers to customer. Not good not good. My customers are changing their bookings to other shipping lines. Really not good.

Nelanz wise - was approached by 2 different parties. One from a blogshop owner in KL. She offered me a cabinet space in Times Square. I'm still thinking about it because I have heard pretty bad reviews of Times Square from my friends. The other is a property agent regarding rental in Katong Mall. It is pretty far fetched but I'm open to meet up with her to discuss about rental.

Then I have ITE campus in West Singapore. It is still with The Blogshop and is only be invitation only. Have taken up a rack and a shelve there. Rental's pretty cheap but I am thinking of giving up my space in Haji Lane, which means I will end up with Far East Plaza and ITE campus only although I am looking at rental of space in Bugis Street. I have someone who is willing to finance me but I must work on my business proposal to present to him first. That I am working on, very slowly.

My flea market will be in June. Anymore in between? Maybe.

I'm fully booked in March - all my weekends are occupied. Heh. Wanna hang out? Please start booking for April! Hahahaha.....yeah yeah whatever. Honestly! I am full in March - 5th weekend wedding in Singapore, 12th weekend moving into our new place, 19th weekend BP/KL and finally 26th weekend full moon party in Singapore.