Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Post Christmas Mortem

Christmas this year was.......B.O.R.I.N.G!!! We went out - hubby arranged a lot and put in a lot of effort so THANK YOU! On the eve, we went to Bar Banyan to meet his friends but apart from 3 whom we know, the rest are KIDS (aged below 25 but definitely above 20). The topics were boring.

Christmas day was ok - better. Hubby arranged a surprise movie then we had simple dinner before proceeding to his childhood friend's place with 2 bottles of wine. We (2 couple) drank till 4am! It was a simple affair no doubt but it's quality time spent. Shit I'm getting old.....darn!

Yesterday was our 2nd wedding anniversary. No expectations because of our financial situation, we agreed to keep it simple. As simple as wishing each other Happy Anniversary only. To my surprise, when I got in the car in the morning, I found a card sitting on my dashboard! I was like damn I really took him literally and have not prepared anything! Not even a card. Had to make do with whatever card I found in Singapore which was like a set of 5 Disney postcards which had stuff like I love you, I can't take my eyes off you, etc on it. Did my best and waaa laaa! A very different and unusual card for my hubby. Hahahahaha.....

Got him a message cookie also. I think it's oatmeal cookie with I Luv You on it. Then I bought him a book - I would have got him that book anyway coz he told me to. Can only find it in Singapore. But anyways, I passed that off as a prezzie. Then then the best part - I arranged dinner at TGIF for us. Lied to him - told him it's actually a dinner and drink session with Shankz and Lee. Of course, they didn't turn up. He only found out at the restaurant when the waiter asked how many pax. Should have seen his expression when I said 2! HAHAHAHAHHA.....good dinner all in all. Quality time spent again and c'mon lah you can never go wrong with TGIF! Only I found out in the process that not many people agrees with me - they think TGIF's food so-so and totally overpriced. I might agree to overprice part but heck cares!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Waiting waiting...

Very kan cheong now coz it's Christmas eve and I must leave on the dot if I wanna avoid chances of being stuck in possible massive jam from Singapore into Malaysia but I'm still waiting to be called into the room for my meeting with my boss! It's almost 11.30am already! Urgh....

And this wait doesn't feel good at all coz what we're discussing is my objectives and KPIs for 2011. He didn't sound very happy about it at all when I jokingly said we'll be able to wrap it up within 10 minutes. He said it's quite impossible - oh oh.....

On a happier note, there's a gift exchange tradition in the office within the department which luckily I found out yesterday. Managed to prepare gifts for my team members - for the ladies, easy peasy coz I just took Nica bags from my stock and wrapped them up in the office this morning. For the gents, I popped by NTUC to get them Christmas cakes.

I'm surprised actually that they have this tradition. It didn't even happen in Europe!

Continue my wait......kan cheongz!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Huh?? 2 weeks silence? Really? Wow....

Sorry lah been busy and been not feeling under the weather. Sien at work - everybody is feeling demotivated, sien sien sien is the only work. But anyway let's leave that for another day shall we? It's the festive season man! BE HAPPY!!

Here's wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas! (I'll keep New Year for another day)

Buon Natale
S Rozhdestvom (С Рождеством)

Thursday, December 9, 2010


I brought more clothes into the office yesterday and the sale continued this morning. I sold a total of 13 items in just 2 days and it's like no more than 2 hours was put into it! Man, sometimes I don't feel like leaving my job because of this!

I mixed pieces from my latest collection with 1/3 of my old stocks but sad to say out of the 13, 4 items are actually from the new collection. Hai.....means I'm still stuck with a substantial amount of old stocks. Damn!

Another lot next week. That one has more new stuff so hopefully I have better sales then.

Job change soon? Will I or will I not?

Got a call from my recruitment agency yesterday to offer me the job from that company I went for interview at. It was not for the job I applied to but it was something the interviewer already told me about and one which I was interested in.

I am supposed to make yet another trip down to the office to meet up with the most senior member of that team to just get a feel of what they do on a regular day. It's scheduled for next week but I have no idea when yet - my calendar (office calendar) is super pack for whole of next week! Not to mention I have to to see what City Plaza have in-store for me. I wanna catch the last minute Christmas shoppers.

Anyways, have sent my calendar for next week over to my agent and I'm just waiting for her to come back with a fixed appointment. Can't believe I got the offer so soon - I was told by the GM to give her till mid-Dec!

This position reports directly to the GM so there isn't any leader there. Everybody's the same only some are more senior than the rest. All carries the same job title as well. I actually got a little concerned after going through the job description coz it sounded almost, if not totally, like an entry level position! But they managed to assure me and calm me down lah to trust that it is not. Then next came the question about renumeration - unfortunately, the HR only mentioned that it will not be lower than what I am currently getting. That doesn't sound very exciting since what I'm getting now isn't exciting either. Sienz.....

I think I like the job although I don't exactly like the location nor the salary (yes, I don't know yet but CONFIRM less than what I have now). Let's just hope the people around will make up for it and this position is really, like what they say, a stepping stone to prepare me for bigger roles within the company (yeah yeah yeah - why does it feel like I have heard this before? hmmmm)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Riverdance and Sands Theatre

Verdict: Superb performance in a not so superb theatre.

We actually missed the first half of the performance. So disappointed man. Sands it not an easy place to maneuver - it doesnt have proper signage and there are only 3 parking entrances! I was like what?! Only 3? We got there in time like with 15-20mins to spare after going through the jam and all BUT the entrance to the parking which I was advised to take was close! We had to drive a little farther to do a u-turn. By this time we're already late.

We then had to go through another round of traffic jam to get to the hotel's parking and then surprise - no way we could get it coz of traffic. Continued driving and then another U-turn to return to where we started and then jam all the way in. By the time we got to the theatre, it was 9pm and doors are closing. Thank goodness we made it for 2nd half.

The crew of Riverdance really knew how to involve the audience. The whole atmosphere was really light and cheery. You get very affected by how people in your surroundings react to it. But I was pretty letdown by the theatre itself - didn't think acoustic was fantastic and it was a pretty small hall. Seats were so so......but I'm glad the temperature was just right. Not too cold or warm. 

Went to the casino after - no free food! Aiyoyo....hehehe yeah that was what we were looking for the whole time - hungry!

riverdance indeed has lived up to its name although I thought if the performance was held in a bigger theatre, the whole effect will be different. I will need to watch some of their other performances to be able to comment more coz it looked like a pretty small crew to me last night. If any of you have the opportunity to watch them Live, please do not hesitate. GO! 

Thursday, December 2, 2010


The boss is gone the boss is gone! *jumping with joy*

THE boss is on vacation - he's gone from today onwards till 15 Dec 2010, which leaves me all of next week to have fun. BUT hubby's starting work next week as well and MUST be in Singapore for training *sigh* ANYWAY, better than nothing! Woo hoo!

Happy Wedding Anniversary!

No no, not mine. My mum and dad's 31st wedding anniversary. A long winding road. Not easy with lots and lots of hurdles but they have come through it spotless - being married myself, I honestly salute them for being able to stay through all those times. I witnessed a good part of their marriage so I do know now that I'm married, it's really not easy that they managed to pull it through so fine.

A toast to mum and dad! Nastarovia! Prost! Salute!