Friday, October 16, 2009

Not a news to wake up to....

Couldn't sleep again till almost 5am last night (this morning, rather). Woke up as usual at 8am to make breakfast for hubby but just no way of getting back to bed. So what do I do?? What else - my usual morning routine - make breakfast and sit in front of the laptop.

Chatted with Joyce, thanking her for the payment for her top. Then she told me the news which had me stun for a while - a friend from Batu Pahat, a year my senior from High School was stabbed to death early this morning. Incident happened at McD Centrepoint. He was apparently trying to grab his laptop back from the snatch thieves when one of the accomplice stabbed him from the back and that was it.

A life of mere 31 years of age snuffed out just like that. He even posted a something on Facebook last night! Just merely 7 hours before the mishap!!! Who would have expected that that will be his last post? I'm sure he never expected he'll never again post another note on Facebook. His parents are distraught and on their way on to KL to collect the body. From his status on his Facebook, he's apparently married.

Cherish the people around you starting RIGHT NOW!

My condolences to his family. Rest in Peace Martin........


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