Sunday, October 18, 2009

A new week, a new hope

Just saw my sister's tweet - another death. It's the 3rd death of the
week. That is a lot of deaths around the people around us.

A friend passed away yesterday (Friday) - I don't know him personally
or maybe I do but I don't remember but he's the youngest son of a very
close family friend. He's only 30!! What a waste - he's so young!!!

I don't exactly know how he died except for the fact that he was
stabbed from the back by the accomplice of dome snatch thieves who got
hold of his laptop. I've heard 2 versions thus far but since the 1st
ain't very detail, I think I'm taking the 2nd version as the right one
for now.

This friend, a male, was stabbed (sources said he wad slashed by a
parang at his neck so bad that his neck was almost severed!) when he
tried to chase after the snatch thieves who got his laptop. A second
motorbike came from behind him and slashed his neck. A life snuffed
out just like that!!!! No news about the thieves and no reports in The
Star either!!!! This happened outside McDonald's, Centrepoint in
Bandar Utama. We have no idea who these people are, what race or how
old. I only know that it is extremely sad and I feel for hid family,
especially his parents and his girlfriend. I cannot even imagine how
the thieves feel, what's in their - so sick and perverted bastards!!!
A life!!! A young life!!!

I hope the government will do something about security of the country.
Mind you the incident happened early in the morning, at a time when
people are on their way to work, outside a busy place and yet these
bastards are so daring as to steal and then kill!!! Safety in Malaysia
is getting from bad to worse everyday! How can a country progress if
thugs roam around like that? No wonder we're still a 3rd world country
after so many years.


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