Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I'm Back!!!

I'm finally back in Nairobi again after 3 weeks. It was, yet again, a very tiring trip with an average of 5 hours sleep a day. This trip is definitely much better than the last and not much happened - nothing big anyway. Except maybe the last 2 days of our stay in Malaysia where I got pissed off with hubby.

As planned, we stayed away from each other for 3 days - he went back to JB while I stayed back in BP and I must say it did us well! It's the first time we've stayed away from each other since....er since.....end of June last year! Wow...it's been more than a year since we had our "me time" BUT towards the end of the trip, he took this a little too far by going out with his friends and leaving me at home. I have said many times before that I DO NOT WANT TO BE LEFT ALONE AT HOME IN JB!!! He did that TWICE and back to back! I mean, that's the whole point about me staying in BP and he going back to JB - make use of those times to meet friends he wants to without having me around! After that - not supposed to have anymore of such "luxury"

Our flights were all great - of course they have to be right? That's what business class are for! And during our flight back from Dubai to Nairobi, we were actually in the same flight as Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher!! Uh huh - the real deal! I have no idea what they are doing here but my best guess - vacationing. I was very tempted to walk right up to them and ask for a picture but then I thought if I was in their shoes, I wouldn't like to have people disturbing my vacation. They are human after all. They are entitled to have their own time just like all of us. It doesn't have to change just because they are celebraties. I took a couple of pictures - 3 to be exact - but they turned out a little blur. What to do? Iphone doesn't have the anti-shock function.

Hehehe....yeah you read right - I have a new Iphone now! Hubby got Sam to get one from Australia - IPhone 3G(s). It's my belated birthday present and why Australia? Because apparently, it is one of the 3 countries in the whole world that is licensed to sell unlocked Iphone - in Apple Store.

I will post the pics later - connection is extremely slow today (yeah, when has it ever been fast huh?) and I'll blog about grandma's 90th in another post.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Back in Malaysia

Finally on Malaysian soil. Arrived on Sunday and only managed to get online today. Have not gone back to my family yet - still at my in law's. Hubby has left me alone in the house with his mum while he's having fun with his childhood friends in a snooker centre somewhere since 4 hours ago (hopefully that's really where he is). His nephew is out with his girlfriend hence the free computer :)

I can't wait to get back to BP and can't wait to see everyone again! The party's started arriving as early as 5th September but the real numbers are arriving on 10th, we're one of them. It's gonna be really fun - I can already feel it. Just pray hard that some people don't spoil it. I have a number of ideas in my head to make it even more fun like poker games, Karaoke or even mahjong! Emmm... even thinking of it makes me wish that the time fast forward just a little faster till Thursday. It's gonna be a crowd. Fun crowd.

I always thought that this trip will be a relaxing trip but so far, it hasn't been so except the past couple of hours. We're still not getting enough sleep, we're still sleeping as late as the previous trip and waking as early. We have less activities but somehow the sleep just doesn't tally. For example, last night we only managed 1.5 hours of sleep. Since Friday, the night before I left Nairobi, I have had an average of 3 hours of sleep per day!!!

Last night was scary. We came back after meeting up with a friend at around 2am. When we got home, we noticed one side of the auto-gate was opened. We got worried coz break-ins are notorious in JB but we were damn sure we shut it when we left the house a couple of hours earlier. Anyway, my mother-in-law would have noticed it opened when she was getting ready for bed and the fact that she didn't only means that we did shut it after all. The other side of the gate refused to open so we had to manage with only one gate open. We realised afterwards that the 2nd gate refused to budge and after hubby pushed it open, both gates refused to shut. They kept opening and shutting on their own as if they have their own mind! There was no way the control in our hand is able to control its movements anymore.

When it finally did settle down for awhile, hubby secured both gates with a pad-lock. It settled until an hour later when it finally decided it will revolt. Both gates started trying with all their might with break the padlock away, opening and closing thus making extremely loud banging noises. It was almost 4am by this time. Hubby tried to fix it but there is just no way to hold it down. It was alive! It was a scary sight especially when we're in the 7th month of the lunar calendar which is also more widely known as the Ghost Festival, where hungry ghost are let out to roam the earth for 1 month. Hubby, a Buddhist, tied a talisman to the padlock and although the banging still continued but with much much less force than before and a lot less noisy. We finally called it a day and went to bed at 5.30am while the alarm is set for 7am.

The gate has been real good all of today. Nothing has gone wrong yet. I still choose to believe it's a fault of the electric wiring, nothing more. We'll see if it comes back tonight....... :s

Friday, September 4, 2009

In about 23 hours....

That is how close I am to getting on the plane for my 3 weeks holiday in Malaysia. It was 3 days to go on Wednesday and now, it's only 23 hours to go! Hubby has even checked us in! The feeling of dread is getting stronger as the clock ticks closer to departure time. If it's already so strong now, I have no idea and do not want to imagine how it will be when I get to Singapore/JB. Hubby is displaying, not sure if on purpose, more and more signs of idolising his mother. It's like he's trying to tell me "bitch, my mum is the most important person in my whole life. stand aside. you're no where near, not even close. you're not even comparable to the rest of my family" Honestly, he's been doing and saying stuff which are not that subtle to hint to me that fact! Man, this trip is gonna be agonising! Time in JB WILL pass very very slllloooowwwwllllyyyy indeed....

Now I really can truly grasp the meaning of "once beaten twice shy" It was just ONE bad trip in December last year and I believe it has scarred me for life. At least I know I am right now! What if we really do have to move back to Malaysia? Wow....I can't imgaine. I'll end up living in fear every other weekend when we return to JB, IF we're not based in JB. Otherwise, it's a daily nightmare! I have decided to stay back in BP after grandma's birthday till 17th or 18th (have not decided) while hubby returns to JB to meet whoever he wants and do whatever he needs to do. I think it's better that way - the number of days between 14th and 18th is the longest in JB if I were to follow him back. So it's better to avoid problems and issues to the already delicate marriage than to add more reason to end the union to it. I wanna just come back to Nairobi happy. I only want happy memories to this trip instead of spoiling it like the last. Bad memories over shadowed our wedding. How bad is that???

I also have to learn to trust hubby more by letting him go off alone. So I guess by staying back in BP will be a good training. It'll also be a good opportunity to gain back some of "me" time which I have lost for so long. It's been more than a year now since I last had any "me" time - time for me without hubby. I'm sure he'll welcome this break too. Marriage doesn't mean you have to be with each other ALL the time. And by not wanting to be in each other's presence all the time doesn't mean there's a crack in the relationship. In fact, it's healthier that way. Too much time with each other and too much stickiness will actually kill the relationship.

Oh well, wish me luck!!! It's only 3 weeks right??? It's a short time, time will fly right? Before I know it, it's time to hop on the plane again right? Right......patience, tolerance....patience, tolerance........man this is soooo hard!!!! Will write again real soon - I'll try but don't expect much!!! Most likely my next post will be when I return to Nairobi.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

3 more days to go!

Time flies time flies!! Only 3 days to go before we fly off to Malaysia for 3 weeks! I'm sure 3 weeks will fly too except for THOSE times. I have been dreading THOSE times since 2 weeks ago! You know how, sometimes, you wish time will fly but it just lingers and refuse to budge? Those. Hate them!

I have actually written a long post BUT I have no idea how it happened, I managed to delete all of them! Damn!! I have no wish to write them all over and I can't remember much anyway. So I'm leaving you with one of my hubby's favourite - Portuguese egg tarts.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Birthday Pictures!

Oooo.....I know where he wanted to take me for birthday dinner now.....too bad, the restaurant closes at 6pm and we got there only at 9pm. We ended up having dinner in another restaurant which we never been - Phonecian. It's a Lebanese restaurant but with a Sushi Bar. It's very crowded even at 9pm and choices of sushi looks pretty impressive. We opted for Lebanese this time and we'll be back for the sushi soon!

Pictures have been uploaded but there are so many of them so I'm gonna just put a link to my album in Facebook. Look at them there!!!

Happy Birthday to me!

We're back from Nakuru and back from Nyanyuki. When we came back last night, hubby said why not make a day trip to Nyanyuki for fresh trout? Nyanyuki is right at the equator and about 2.5 hours drive from Nairobi. It was GOOOODDDD. How can you say no to fresh fish? You can even choose your own trout from the pond! But we had to fight off monkeys - they tried to steal our bread basket. What a nerve! They jumped right on our table! Hubby had to fight him off!

Apparently, there's a special dinner too! I'm still waiting for him to say Let's go coz I have absolutely no idea where he's taking me too. Apparently it's a place we have never been. He said it's a nice place but he's not sure how the food tastes. I'll just have to sit and wait for another 30 mins or so I guess.

It's Tuesday already tomorrow - only 4 days to go to our flight home for 3 weeks. Excited and nervous all in one. Man! I'm looking forward to the family gathering and also meeting up with all my dearest friends again. I can't wait to see what my dearest sisters and mum has got me for my birthday and I can't wait for business class on Emirates!!! Hehehe...that's about it. Nothing much to be excited about apart from that.

I'll write again tomorrow with pictures from the lodge and the trout farm.