Monday, January 21, 2013

BKK Trip Planned

Finally have the first draft of the itinerary sent out to my dad! I spent one whole Sunday sitting in front of my lappie researching and drafting it out! It's so tough to have to come up with an itinerary for a group of people who has totally opposite needs and wants! Well, sort of. Different enough. 

I need to have an itinerary which is interesting enough but not too taxing while incorporating a right amount of shopping to interest some while not boring some others. I need to cover as many places as possible because most people will not return and I need to make it different plus interesting enough to keep others interested to continue traveling. 

Anyway, first draft's out and sent to my dad. Gave him a few options where he can tweak a little here and there. He also gave me specific places and stuff he wants to visit/see so again, I need to do something which I can accommodate as much as possible. 

Let's see what he comes back with.


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