Monday, January 28, 2013

Fifty Shades

I am oh so hooked to the Fifty Shades trilogy! 

It is not something I will pick up from the bookstores usually but I have heard so much rave about this book but not once knowing what the book is all about. The first time I heard the name of the book was on a plane from Singapore to KL. A passenger was holding to Book 1. As we land and getting ready to get off the plane, the stewardess also mentioned that she has read it. After that, I have heard people speaking of the book one and off. 

I told myself I have to have that book! It is a trilogy so I must make sure I buy all 3 at once. I was more aware of the books' presence and seems to be seeing it in every bookshops I go! I saw them again in Coles, Australia and they were on sale! But because I was with my cousin and I know for a fact that he'll pay if I picked them up, I passed. I kicked myself after that because I couldn't find it at that price anywhere else and we didn't have time to return to get them.

Then I saw them again in KL, on sale!!! I grabbed them and now I'm hooked. I just can't put the book down! I only started on the first book late last week and I'm on my third book now. I suspect I will finish it before the week's out. I did finish part 2 in a day :)

Go read it! For your benefit and a word of caution, it's an erotic book ;) People who knows me know that I'm a crime and investigation person so this is a breath of fresh air eh? LOL

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

No reply.... :(

I am still waiting for Uncle's reply to confirm the dates for Kinmeng!!! Arghhh!!! Are we still going or not? If he doesn't reply still, I'm gonna ask mum to speak to him or maybe through Aunty Flo. 

I might extend a couple of days in Taipei, that is if we go via Taipei since my trip there now is kaput. Might as well extend another 4 days or so just moving around Taipei city myself.

Uncle reply quick!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Longest CNY Break

This CNY will be the first CNY which I will have more than a week off! I've taken a day off before the actual day because I have some more days left from last year which I need to clear.

First day of CNY is on the 10th and my leave starts on the 8th. I'm back at work on the 18th! HAHAHAHAHAH - 10 days off!!!!! 

BKK Trip Planned

Finally have the first draft of the itinerary sent out to my dad! I spent one whole Sunday sitting in front of my lappie researching and drafting it out! It's so tough to have to come up with an itinerary for a group of people who has totally opposite needs and wants! Well, sort of. Different enough. 

I need to have an itinerary which is interesting enough but not too taxing while incorporating a right amount of shopping to interest some while not boring some others. I need to cover as many places as possible because most people will not return and I need to make it different plus interesting enough to keep others interested to continue traveling. 

Anyway, first draft's out and sent to my dad. Gave him a few options where he can tweak a little here and there. He also gave me specific places and stuff he wants to visit/see so again, I need to do something which I can accommodate as much as possible. 

Let's see what he comes back with.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Going to Bangkok!

After months and months of discussing and disagreeing, we are finally going to Bangkok for CNY! From Da Nang to Hong Kong to Taiwan then Bintan and finally now Bangkok. Phew......

But because of that stupid cheater Travelsmoove which has now filed for liquidation WITH my money, I am ending up with 3 days leave from last year. I have no idea when to use them but I have to finish them by 31 March. 

I am officially a creditor! Pray pray pray that I get back my money!!!