Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Dukan Diet

Ok, am not exactly fat but I think I can do better than what I am weighing/looking right now so on the advice of my cousin, I have embarked on the Dukan Diet!

My self-concocted diet plan has served me well for the last 10 years but it hasn't been able to get me pass a certain weight level - it has stabilised me at something which is above my target weight but not that far off. And it really is only helping me keep my weight in general but not sculpt the different parts of the body.

Seems like Dukan Diet may just do that for me! My cousin has assured me that the success rate is 9.5 out of 10! And it doesn't only helps one lose weight on the scales but also helps to sculpt the body! The weight comes off pretty evenly, so it seems, from all parts of the body so that the weight loss is apparent.

Its concept is based on and kicks off with a pure protein diet and introduces the other types of food back into a person's diet in stages. Seems very logical and doesn't sound very difficult to do. 

It is a diet of 4 stages and so I have started off by reading up to stage 2. I will continue reading up on the rest after I go into stage 2. I started yesterday and stage 1 for me will take 3 days. So far, I have lost 0.5kg! Coincidence? Maybe. According to the book, 3 days Pure Attack (stage 1), I should expect to lose between 2 to 5 pounds (ie: 0.9 - 2.3kg)

So far, hmm....I actually am starting to feel that this diet isn't as easy as it seems because of where I am at right now. The diet will be much easier to get through if I am living in a Western country or Australia/New Zealand. In our Asian society, it is really difficult to find food with no oil, minimal salt and are just boiled, grilled, broiled, roast etc. without lipids (fats). Even if I am ready prepare my own food, the ingredients may not be easily available too. So am living on yoghurt, oat bran, low fat ham (was so happy when I found this!), canned tuna, roast spring chicken (which I am quite sure if Dr Dukan sees it, he will disapprove it anyway). Even a simple steam egg, I realised, is full of oil and salt (from the soy sauce I believe)!!! I realised that I absolutely love oat bran!

Let's see how I do today and the result tomorrow. Last day tomorrow then it is into Stage two - 5 days of protein + veg followed by 5 days of pure protein (what I'm going through now), repeat till the target weight is reached. Then move on to Stage 3 then Stage 4.


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