Thursday, October 13, 2011


Mid-week already and going back to BP this weekend. I am sooo bored.

You know it's so damn weird! I lost 2kgs during the 2 weeks break and as of yesterday, I gained 1kg already!!! That only proves my point - that I gain weight when I'm down - not positive.

Just found out from Lynn that I should have delayed my home-trip by a week. I most likely will miss U.Hock's trip back this time round. He's arriving in BP on 21st. Though Lynn doesn't know how long he'll be around but my guess will be 2 weeks? That's usually the case with him.

I am a step closer to booking Hong Kong now that Gulnaz has agreed to go with me. Yay! But now I'm thinking if it makes sense to meet NYX at all? I hope Jaehee will reply within the next couple of days so that I can just make up my blardy mind. I need to know for sure if it makes sense to visit them this time or to wait......


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