Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Full of disgust and disrespect

Did any of you watch News 5 (Singapore) yesterday? The news about a toddler knocked down by 2 vehicles consecutively? No? Here it is - read this:


There's a video at the bottom of the report too. If you dare, watch it and be disgusted. It is not for the faint-hearted - honestly, do not watch it if you are grossed easily.

I cannot believe that such people exist in the society. Not just one but the whole bunch of them! Is it the problem of the society/people, government or law? Is it human nature to be evil?

People just walked by taking a second look but not doing anything! Motorists go all out to avoid "hitting" the kid just as if we drive to avoid a nail. There are some who even stopped to look and then drive away! Why why why?!?

For those who will watch the video, notice the first hit - after the front wheel went over her and the back wheel seemingly is stuck. See how the driver accelerated as how we would have done if we are trying to drive up a curb. Common sense people???


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