Friday, October 21, 2011


It's the weekend!!! I can't wait for hubby to finish work - we are going to have seafood buffet at Concorde Hotel tonight with another couple! Yumz yumz..self control self control.........But gosh, it's only 4.45pm! Time never crawled as slowly as today =( And it was raining all morning, just stopped an hour ago. If it hadn't would have gone out!

Looking forward to the weekend nevertheless!

Note: The 2 year old toddler from that unfortunate accident in Foshan China passed away this morning.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Full of disgust and disrespect

Did any of you watch News 5 (Singapore) yesterday? The news about a toddler knocked down by 2 vehicles consecutively? No? Here it is - read this:

There's a video at the bottom of the report too. If you dare, watch it and be disgusted. It is not for the faint-hearted - honestly, do not watch it if you are grossed easily.

I cannot believe that such people exist in the society. Not just one but the whole bunch of them! Is it the problem of the society/people, government or law? Is it human nature to be evil?

People just walked by taking a second look but not doing anything! Motorists go all out to avoid "hitting" the kid just as if we drive to avoid a nail. There are some who even stopped to look and then drive away! Why why why?!?

For those who will watch the video, notice the first hit - after the front wheel went over her and the back wheel seemingly is stuck. See how the driver accelerated as how we would have done if we are trying to drive up a curb. Common sense people???

Money money money

Need lots of money now now now! I need at least SGD60K to kickstart my business in a big way. That sum is for procurement of stocks ONLY. OK at least USD35K.

Sigh...where to find that kind of money??? Where tell me where? Cracking my head. Should I throw SGD15K for OPI polishes? Should I? Scared sial!

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Mid-week already and going back to BP this weekend. I am sooo bored.

You know it's so damn weird! I lost 2kgs during the 2 weeks break and as of yesterday, I gained 1kg already!!! That only proves my point - that I gain weight when I'm down - not positive.

Just found out from Lynn that I should have delayed my home-trip by a week. I most likely will miss U.Hock's trip back this time round. He's arriving in BP on 21st. Though Lynn doesn't know how long he'll be around but my guess will be 2 weeks? That's usually the case with him.

I am a step closer to booking Hong Kong now that Gulnaz has agreed to go with me. Yay! But now I'm thinking if it makes sense to meet NYX at all? I hope Jaehee will reply within the next couple of days so that I can just make up my blardy mind. I need to know for sure if it makes sense to visit them this time or to wait......

Monday, October 10, 2011

1st day of work

After 2 weeks finally gone back to work today. But it didn't feel like back at work, rather like slowly integrating myself back at work which is good because the boss wasn't around today! He he he.....well, he'll be back someday right? Tomorrow's the day.....sigh.....

Well my point is, 1st day wasn't so bad after all!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

RIP Steve Jobs

Woke up to the news of the passing of Steve Jobs.

Anticipated this news to arrive very soon when he stepped down as CEO of the company to Tim Cook citing that he is no longer able to perform his duties.

I'm sure the whole world is now thinking - what will be Apple's future without Steve Jobs. When he was on MC, he was still there. When he stepped down as CEO, he was still there too. But from today onwards, he will no longer be just a phone call away. 

His intelligence and vision and creativity is from another world. He changed how we communicate and he made the world even smaller than it already is. The world will be watching Apple's next and every move closely at least for the next 2-3 years when the next products are launch. 

Thank you visionaire. I won't settle.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Business Proposal/Plan

How does one write a proper and attractive business proposal? I have been thinking, reading and researching the whole day trying to come up with a proper business proposal. I need one when I speak to companies, partners, investors and banks. But I have not been able to come up with any. 

It is really not easy to come up with one. Headache....I only have till the end of the week to come up with one - actually wanted the proposal to be done by mid-week so that I can bring them with me when I visit the banks but seems like it's too far fetch. 
