Monday, January 17, 2011

Work is so busy

Been swarmed at work recently - not sure why all of a sudden there are just so many things going on in the office. I usually get bored in the office rather quickly during the day but recently, actually since 2011 started, I have not had the time to get bored and time flies when you're busy. Sad part is, I actually love it! I love being busy - it makes me feel useful, that I'm using my time properly. The even sadder part is I'm doing this at the expense of Nelanz which is a big no no. Gotta work something out somehow.

Great news of the day - hubby started his first day at work today! Yes! Finally right? After 9 long months. It was really 9 LOOOOONNNNGGGG months for me with a lot of stress and pressure and "darkness". Patience paid off I must say for both myself and my mother-in-law. We have been planning this day for a long time. And now the next step is to get the both of us moved out to Singapore. Also part of our plan and also is what I want really for both of us. 

Coming days/weeks will get even busier coz now house/room hunt starts. The pressure is on to get ourselves a room quick. Hubby cannot continue leaving home so early with me and I cannot continue staying late waiting for him to get off work. Best bet is to rent a place in Singapore. That way, while he's at work and I'm out, I can go home first before going to pick him from work once he's done. 

Have shortlisted a couple which in my opinion looks good. So gotta start calling advertisers religiously tomorrow. Damn.....


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