Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Count down

Counting down to meeting my cousins and having freaking damn a lot of fun, potentially. The first arrived sometime last week, if I'm not mistaken. 2 more will be arriving in 2 days all in the name of a wedding and CNY (Sean! Tua Pai leh!).

First time in Malaysia for CNY with the family after an absence of 5 years, I think? Gonna have a damn great time because lots of people are back this year! People whom I have not met for more than 5 years (relatives I mean), people from afar! So exciting!!! Urgh can't wait....now why can't days fly when you want it to? It can be just a little faster you know.

I'm gonna meet my tai kor for the first time in 5 years! The last time he was around was when I received my Moscow job offer. I remember going to KL with him to pack my stuff from my ex's place and ex's mum mistook him for my new bf!! Hehehe so funny...We went to Ikea after that and I'm damn sure tai kor was too fat then, I had a puncture and he changed it for me. Got himself all dirty and even left a scratched on my car because the car-jack slipped - if you hadn't notice, Ikea Ikano's car park is really slipper. Floors are very very well polished.

Anyway, gonna meet up with some of them this weekend at Sean's wedding. I'm sorry to say but it's pretty disorganised at the moment but it's gonna be a damn good gathering! We will make it fun. After this weekend, the next time I'm meeting them again is on the 2nd day of CNY (another week!). Damn - thinking of how much fun I'm gonna miss on the eve and 1st day makes me angry!

Whatever.....hehehe....gonna have so much fun fun fun! Now I'm thinking should I buy G12 before this weekend or wait? If I buy, I'll suffer coz no extra cash. If don't buy then gotta look for my old mju. Decisions decisions decisions....


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