Friday, January 28, 2011

This is it!!!

We're back in BP - the weekend's finally upon us and the weekend I've been waiting for is finally here! I got back at around 9pm but apart from my sister and aunt, have not met any of my cuzzies yet. 

Tomorrow's the wedding - let's just hope that it's gonna be damn fun! I shouldn't be expecting anything at all but can't help but!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Count down

Counting down to meeting my cousins and having freaking damn a lot of fun, potentially. The first arrived sometime last week, if I'm not mistaken. 2 more will be arriving in 2 days all in the name of a wedding and CNY (Sean! Tua Pai leh!).

First time in Malaysia for CNY with the family after an absence of 5 years, I think? Gonna have a damn great time because lots of people are back this year! People whom I have not met for more than 5 years (relatives I mean), people from afar! So exciting!!! Urgh can't why can't days fly when you want it to? It can be just a little faster you know.

I'm gonna meet my tai kor for the first time in 5 years! The last time he was around was when I received my Moscow job offer. I remember going to KL with him to pack my stuff from my ex's place and ex's mum mistook him for my new bf!! Hehehe so funny...We went to Ikea after that and I'm damn sure tai kor was too fat then, I had a puncture and he changed it for me. Got himself all dirty and even left a scratched on my car because the car-jack slipped - if you hadn't notice, Ikea Ikano's car park is really slipper. Floors are very very well polished.

Anyway, gonna meet up with some of them this weekend at Sean's wedding. I'm sorry to say but it's pretty disorganised at the moment but it's gonna be a damn good gathering! We will make it fun. After this weekend, the next time I'm meeting them again is on the 2nd day of CNY (another week!). Damn - thinking of how much fun I'm gonna miss on the eve and 1st day makes me angry!

Whatever.....hehehe....gonna have so much fun fun fun! Now I'm thinking should I buy G12 before this weekend or wait? If I buy, I'll suffer coz no extra cash. If don't buy then gotta look for my old mju. Decisions decisions decisions....

Kukup Weekend

Tiring weekend coz we went to Kukup! We = hubby, myself and his friends - altogether 15 of us. It was actually quit a nice trip apart from the fact that I was already very tired even before arriving there.

A very short drive from JB and we arrived in time for lunch. We paid RM100/pax for 1 night in a bungalow which is built on water. Best thing part is RM100 includes transportation (friends drove, we didn't so we contributed RM5 for whatever), accommodation and 5 meals! Yup, 5 freaking meals and all seafood! Lunch, tea, dinner, breakfast and lunch! Cheap right?

Unfortunately I did not bring my camera so can't show you guys the condition of the place but it's nice. Really clean, airy and big (read huge). 3 rooms which can house 30 pax. Minimum 10 pax. And it's not wooden - though it's on the water but it's built out of brick and motar. Air conditioned rooms and free flow of coke. They also have a K-OK set and 2 sets of mahjong!

A very different experience really. Living in the fishing village, experiencing the village life - very very simple. You can basically guess how fun it would be to be there during CNY and festivities. House doors/main gates are all left opened like there isn't anybody who will break-in. Cars are non-existence coz the walkways are all so small, it is only wide enough to accommodate one person on foot and one more bike/bicycle. All cars are parked outside the village and you walk in. Like in all small villages/kampung as we call it, everybody knows everybody.

Anybody interested, I can give you the phone number to call. Could be a little boring if you go with your partner only. You must go in a big group.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Work is so busy

Been swarmed at work recently - not sure why all of a sudden there are just so many things going on in the office. I usually get bored in the office rather quickly during the day but recently, actually since 2011 started, I have not had the time to get bored and time flies when you're busy. Sad part is, I actually love it! I love being busy - it makes me feel useful, that I'm using my time properly. The even sadder part is I'm doing this at the expense of Nelanz which is a big no no. Gotta work something out somehow.

Great news of the day - hubby started his first day at work today! Yes! Finally right? After 9 long months. It was really 9 LOOOOONNNNGGGG months for me with a lot of stress and pressure and "darkness". Patience paid off I must say for both myself and my mother-in-law. We have been planning this day for a long time. And now the next step is to get the both of us moved out to Singapore. Also part of our plan and also is what I want really for both of us. 

Coming days/weeks will get even busier coz now house/room hunt starts. The pressure is on to get ourselves a room quick. Hubby cannot continue leaving home so early with me and I cannot continue staying late waiting for him to get off work. Best bet is to rent a place in Singapore. That way, while he's at work and I'm out, I can go home first before going to pick him from work once he's done. 

Have shortlisted a couple which in my opinion looks good. So gotta start calling advertisers religiously tomorrow. Damn.....

Sunday, January 9, 2011

All grown up

An end to a very busy weekend. I went back to BP again over the weekend to take my youngest sister to KL. She's finally leaving the nest, going to college. My youngest sister - imagine that - finally leaving home for KL all alone. It has been a crazy 2 weeks (at least I dare say) for her and everyone in BP especially mum and dad. As stern as dad is, I'm sure it has not been easy for him because of the 3 of us, he is most attached to little sis. She's also the fav of 2nd aunt dad's side. So her leaving home is very difficult for all coz she's like the only person, young one, they can cling on for all the years the rest of us were busy leaving home. Alas, time flies and now even the little one has to go. 

I went back after work on Friday to BP, arrived around 11+. Woke up early the next day and shot up straight to Sunway. That clever girl got a scholarship to do A-Levels in Sunway College. Checked her into the hostel. Incidentally, it is the same block my sis and I used to live in but lil' sis has the same tower as me! I stayed on the 4th floor and she's on the 2nd now. Unpacked and cleaned up the place a little before taking her out for a nice lunch in Pyramid. Then we did some shopping to get her stuffs which she hadn't managed to get from BP and then sent her back again. We finally left her on her own to embark on her new journey at 5.30pm and drove back to mum. Her life is finally starting now and I hope she knows that from now on, time will pass her by very very quickly. Before she knows it, she's ready to go into the rat race. I'm not worried about her being alone in KL really - she's very mature for her age, she is not rash and she makes friends easily. She'll do well. And most importantly, do NOT let me/us hear of her getting bullied. You'll die a very slow and painful death. The Ng sisters will not let you off easily especially when that used to be our turf and we still have "members" over there lurking in the yes, in conclusion, our little sister is not to be trifle with.

We were supposed to stay back for dinner with her but I was just too tired to stay any longer so she managed to get a date with Gie's friend, Alpha, to take her out for dinner instead. We managed to get back to BP by 8-ish, 9pm. Really was glad that Aunt Eng was back to accompany mum. At least...mum couldn't go to KL with us because she had to take care of grandma. So that suited us well. 

All in all a good trip only "regret" was not able to meet Johnny and Ivy for lunch. Jon's grandma passed away the night before and Ivy had a last minute appointment with her uncle for lunch. She flew back to Kenya this morning. Hope to meet her when she comes around in August again. Jon's back for good so that's easy to arrange. 

Anlynn will be offline till at least Tuesday coz the hostel management will only give her the password then. So good luck to her for living in stone age these days. Hey I didn't have internet connection in the hostel at all during my time! So 3 days without is nothing compared to me, 4 years without! The last time I checked in with her which was last night, she was bored to death! Man and she was out all day! Kids nowadays...tsk tsk...

A new week tomorrow. Anlynn will have her orientation tomorrow. Hope all goes well with her and she'll finally decide what her subjects gonna be. While hubby attends yet another job interview. I honestly am not having any hopes that he will accept this job coz I know already how much they are going to offer and I definitely know he's not gonna like it. I am just not telling him yet. Want him to meet the Person in Charge just in case. 

Gotta go get ready for bed now....nitez all

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


 3rd month of putting up Nelanz in the stores and finally we have break even! Yalah.....sad right but then again it is good news ok. It takes on average 6 months or even longer to break even! Now I know Nelanz will make it....FOR SURE! Someone up there is watching me man.

But then again, from a pessimist's point of view, it was the festive holidays and school holidays but I only manage to break even.....what's more the slow period right? Sienz.....JIA YOU!

Next step: Nelanz will be available in The Blogshop @ Far East Plaza from 16th Jan 2011 onwards. Hehehehe...and and I am planning, seriously planning, to make a 2 or 3 day (read 1 night or 2 nights stay) trip to Bangkok NEXT WEEK! Sudden? You bet - got cheap tickets then must make full use lah. Air Asia having 20% discount mah. Who is coming with me?? QUICK QUICK!

CNY around the corner so the last sprint for quick and big bucks before it slows down again till June (school hols in SG).


Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year!

Here is wishing everybody a Blessed 2011!

So how is the first Monday of the year going on for everybody? For me, it's Monday all the same. So whenever, wherever, Monday is still a Monday (first day of work) unless of course you are working in the Middle East where first day of work is on a Sunday.

If you think my Christmas is sad then think again. My New Year celebration was non-existence. New Year resolution: MUST PARTY!

Brain's empty, don't know what to write because there ain't anything to report. Sien right?

Anyway, HAPPY NEW YEAR and enjoy your first day at work today!