Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sports Car Day

On my way back from BP to JB, I was overtook by 1 Lamborghini and 2 Ferraris. I am pretty damn sure they know each other coz:

1) They were spaced like 10 minutes from each other
2) All of them have J plates
3) All of them have single digit plates
4) 2 of them Jxx 6 and one Jxx 7

Lamborghini was orange and ferraris of course, red. What's up man!?

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Incredible India

Back from an Incredible trip but have no time yet to sit down and write a proper post. I promise to that soon - hopefully by this weekend although doesn't look achievable coz am gonna be back in BP with no internet access. Sienz....

India is very different and the wedding was such an eye-opener. Taj Mahal lives up to its name and maybe more. It's magnificent. Will include pics too.

Just letting everyone know that we're well and back home safely.

Oh yah and work SUCKS TO THE MAX! It sucks even more now! God please help me get out!!!! URGH!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

India tomorrow!

Leaving for Delhi in the morning - gonna be MIA for 8 days before I will get to post anything again. Finally.....a long awaited holiday!!! =p

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Thank God it is the end of the day already. It has not been exactly a very good day for me - whatever way something could go wrong, it did. There is still some time left before I go to bed and call it a day so let this last few hours of the day be good.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Surprising email

I came in the office to this email in my inbox from my boss:

"During my coaching call with Mr Boss (his boss), he has noticed your performance - IMAN & XMAN (import and export performance), on top of the recent wins you have secured for XXX and XXX. Keep it up and now I want you to think about how to package yourself in one wholesome manner. Think about it along these few pointers:

1) What are your recent 5 achievements since you have joined us some 3 months ago?
2) What are your challenges and how you overcome/mitigate them?
3) What will be your next few milestones that you are expected to achieve?

Take this opportunity to showcase yourself before 31st Dec (performance end year appraisal) and it will make it easy for me to upsell you!"


I still don't enjoy my job =p

The new beginning - Nelanz Store

Nelanz Store will finally go on the racks today @ theblogshop, 35 Haji Lane. So thank you to those who have supported us so far and please continue to render your support at Haji Lane.

We will be stocking Nelanz and Lil' Pixies at the store. So go there for latest ladies' and kid's fashion!

Leave me a comment/message me if you need more details.

Baby update

Remember I mentioned about MIL's goddaughter delivering a baby girl yesterday? Seems like baby is not well after all. 2 hours after delivery, baby went into the ICU and is still there. Unfortunately, only parents of the baby are allowed into the ICU - strictly parents only so we did not get to see the baby nor find out what is happening. Mummy cannot speak Malay or English so I suppose even if the doc did tell her what is wrong, she can understand anything. Very sad and worried - mummy is in her 40's and this is her first (most likely only) child.

Get well soon baby....

Note: I just can't stop myself from adding this into this post. Malaysian hospitals, actually anything to do with the government S.U.C.K.S!!!! Did you know that they have only 1 counter for payment for the whole hospital. And payment counter is super far from the main building, located in A&E. For a mere RM10, we had to wait for more than 1.5 hours to make payment. Please - BUCK UP!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Freaky - Creepy!

I am feeling so much uneasiness today!! Everybody, please be careful in whatever you do ok? Woke up feeling really uneasy and just can't pinpoint what might happen, to who or where. I just know that it's the bad kind of uneasiness. I couldn't focus while driving to work this morning (thank God nothing happened and I arrived as safe as any other day) because this uneasiness just wouldn't leave me alone.

Me feeling tired isn't helping either because that just means I lagi cannot concentrate. Instead of waking up at 4.45am, I got woken up at 4am instead coz MIL's god-daughter called. She's pregnant and supposed to be due only on 17th of Nov but she was already spotting this morning. Being in the highly dangerous zone (she's 40+, pregnant with her first child) and almost totally alone in Johor (relatives in Perak), she only has my MIL to turn to. When I left home, that was all I got to know from my MIL but later on, got to know she was admitted already. Latest is mother and child are both healthy. =)

The irony is that we have just met her for dinner at ours last night. It was a farewell dinner for her cum birthday dinner for my SIL. She was actually planning to go back to her hubby (oh yeah did I mention her hubby is in Perak?) on Sunday but I guess the baby really doesn't want to be born there? Gonna go see baby tonight! Hahahaha.....wonder how now? I doubt the baby can travel the distance and she has to do her confinement in JB instead? I know MIL has her hands full with her now, maybe until her relatives/hubby arrive. Eat out tonight! YES!

Totally unrelated - tomorrow's the day! Nelanz Store @ 35 Haji Lane! So excited and soooo kan cheong. Hope it will go well. sigh.....