Thursday, June 16, 2011

Like as if it will help!

OMG OMG like as if it will make any difference! The latest news on The Star today:

The title of the article reads: RON97 price down by 10 sen

OI wake up! It 10 sen?! Sedekah or what? The difference is still RM0.90/litre over and above RON95 which I as a Malaysian is entitled to! Why then should I continue to hold on to that bloody passport for? I filled up my tank yesterday. Usual 20litres would have cost me around RM35 but last night, I paid RM54 for almost 19litres.

10 sen "discount" means I would have paid RM52 instead of RM54. And the logic is???? I fill up every 2 days and on average, 20litres each time (more during weekends understandably). Very simple arithmetic will tell me my expenses is up by RM340 per month! (assuming 5 times per week, 3 times during weekday and double the volume during weekends)

Yah the government will think that is none of their business. Serve me right for getting a Singapore plate car, serve me right for being in sales and the biggest slap in the face - serve me F**K-ing right for working in Singapore.


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I'm from Hong Kong!

Yah, when you see a visitor from Hong Kong on my Live Traffic, that's me. For some reason I'm from a little village in Hong Kong...LOL

What else can the government come up with?

Malaysian government surprises me every single day! I have no idea what they have up their sleeves next.

First was the biometric scan at all Malaysian checkpoints for foreigners, on top of stamping of passports. This has caused massive jams especially at the Malaysia-Singapore checkpoints. This is obviously extra income for somebody otherwise we have been operating just fine since stone age with current practice of stamping the passport so why this biometric scanner? What is the purpose of scanning? People could still get into JB without having their passport scanned? (Recent report - 3 Singaporean girls managed to go into JB without having their passport stamped)

If foreigners can get into the country without stamping the passport, have no qualms that they can get into the country without scanning as well. Both are at the custom's booth.

Our Home Minister's reply to that? There is nothing wrong with the system so don't blame the system. It's the large human traffic. Eh hello, you born yesterday or what? The human traffic has always been like this - regular during the weekdays, heavy during the weekends and heavier during the school holidays. Year in, year out SAME! Don't understand? SAMA! What makes it so different now? Apparently after the biometric system was installed, human traffic increased overnight because the Singaporeans love to try out our biometric scans. This is making everybody especially daily commuters like myself a lot of inconveniences. The government needs to remember they are encouraging Singaporeans to retire/reside in Malaysia and do you think with this measure, it will attract them? There are many SIngaporeans currently who commutes daily as well.

2nd - today's news. RON95 will no longer be made available to Malaysians with Malaysian ID driving foreign cars. WTF?! Are you crazy or what? Is it now our fault that we are working in Singapore and driving foreign cars? Why should your citizens be penalised in such a way? If you cannot control and ensure rule is implemented, that is honestly none of my business. To be very honest, I think that message is pretty down to laziness. My 1 year of filling petrol in Malaysia in my Singapore registered vehicles, I have only been checked 3 times. That shows the problem lies with station operators. They don't even bother checking our ID!

Blame it on yourself that your Malaysian citizens prefer to work in Singapore - don't even bother wondering why is that so. And it is not our fault that we employment pass holders, cannot drive Malaysian cars into Singapore to work everyday. We have no choice but to drive Singapore registered cars. So why are we being penalised both ends?

One reminder: election is around the corner. Definitely not a smart move Barisan.

Monday, June 13, 2011


Should I or should I not? Tempted......

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

It's been long and I'm bored

Still bored, business is not as expected, no money for correction. HOW?