Thursday, April 7, 2011

7 Days

Grandma passed on 7 days ago. She comes to mind almost every single night before I go to bed. I don't think I have grasp the real effect of not ever gonna see her sitting in her chair yet.

I have imagined it but I guess I will have to go back to her house to feel the real effect. It's gonna be so weird to even go to her house anymore. I used to pay grandma a visit whenever I'm in town. She's the only reason why I'm or any of us for that matter is at visits Riang in the first place. I cannot imagine how empty it is now. How weird it's gonna be to go to Riang and no grandma sitting on her lazy chair. No trace of her, only memories.

I wonder how is aunty getting on. How has aunty been going to sleep the past week? Is anybody going to be there with her tonight? It's the 7th day and according to Chinese believes, the soul returns home for the last time before they cross over completely. Aunty believes in this 7th day thing.

I will not be going back anytime soon, not anymore this month. Earliest should be first or 2nd week of may. By then everything should be back to normal back home. Normal, not forgotten.

Sent from my iPhone


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