Friday, July 8, 2011

Long awaited holiday

I'm going to Phuket tomorrow?! I can't wait!! It's a long awaited break - it's a 5D4N trip. The last time I went on a break (Batam not counted - that is 2D1N) was in Oct last year to India.

What are we going to do there? Hmmm....dunno just relax I guess.

Ahhh come on today should pass quickly!!!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Great Flea!

Did I mention I was going for a flea? Well I did and all on my own too! Hubby was in Africa on business trip, Gie was home and then flying (she dropped by for a couple of hours) and my best friend had her bf back for the weekend from Korea. So I had to rely on meself to cart my goods from JB to SIN then set the stall up and then pack up everynight. So I'm damn proud that I did the whole flea, 3 day flea, all on my own.

It was last weekend in Singapore Expo. It was a damn good 3 days, much better than the last flea. I kind of getting the hang and understanding what sells and what doesn't. My sales was double from the last flea I attended back in November. Same venue, same organizer.

Apart from selling etc it was also to prove to myself that I can do this without anybody's help. I can handle/cope all by myself. It turned out not very healthy since I had to refrain from drinking too much water and going to the toilet. On the first day, I only went to the toilet twice - once before I left home (8+am) and once after I got home (11.30pm)....:s

There will be another in September and I'll definitely be there!!!