Monday, February 21, 2011

Exciting times ahead

CNY is way over and I have waited till after CNY to post. Why? No time lah...but this post I cannot wait. It's too damn exciting liao!

We (hubby and I) are finally moving out to our own place! Exciting right? No need to stay with in-laws anymore! Not that in-laws got problem or hard to live with but it's always better to have a place of our own than to stay with others.

We confirmed the unit yesterday. No no, we are not buying (we print money kah?). We are just renting a condo unit in JB, superbly near the 2nd link so it will take us even lesser time to get to work. We are looking at waking up at 6.30am after we move =)

The unit isn't big, only 850ft2 but I think it's good enough for 2 persons. Just nice. It's fully furnished so we only have to pack our luggages and we're good to go.

Tentatively, we should be moving in on 19th March but we have told the agent yesterday it will be better if we could move in 1 weekend earlier. Reason being there currently is a tenant staying there and they have requested to stay there will 15th while waiting for renovations in their own place to finish.

Will post pics when I get the chance!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Happy Chinese New Year!

I'm off for CNY in 1 hour! Tomorrow's the eve and I don't think I'll be posting anything after today so here's wishing everybody an advance HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!!!