Friday, July 30, 2010

Greetings Earthlings

Erm.....Ok I totally forgotten that I have a blog, that I keep a blog! job has taken up so much of my time, I have let Nelanz and Lil' Pixies down. Oh of course, my blog too. But today, out of the blue, I thought about my blog and here I am, blogging from my office desk!

I'm actually super bored today - nothing much is going on. It's a Friday, hello. I'm just waiting to go home really - it's 3.30pm now and I knock off in 30 minutes! =p Long long drive back to JB - think that you can even see Singapore/JB from where you're standing (depending on which side you're) but it takes me at least 1.5hours (really clear roads) to get from office to home. Story of my think so? Nah......this is story of my life - I'm traveling to and fro JB - Singapore everyday now! It's 2 hours of traveling time EACH way!!!

I got booted out my new room only after moving in for a week! I moved in 1st week of July and was told that the owner wants to take the flat back at the end of the month. So yeah....started room hunting again but no luck so far that's why have moved back to JB for now. Hoepfully it will only be temporary. It's freaking tiring to be traveling this way. Just to keep myself alive and make sure that I don't fall asleep at the wheel, I must sleep by 11pm (latest 11.30pm) and leave the house by 6.30am (Mondays & Fridays, 6am) Yep, I have no life now. It's work, home and sleep. I "awarded" myself with a little night life yesterday + 2 beers, I ended up going home, shower and straight to bed. I didn't even manage to say a single word to hubby except hello when I entered the house! Sad.....super sad......we spoke more when we stayed apart coz I call him every night.

Let's see how it goes - I have a viewing on Monday.