Monday, June 14, 2010

Ooppps I did it again....=P

Hehehe more than a month?!? I don't believe this until just a moment ago was chatting with Gie about blogs only did I realise I have not been updating my blog since like I left Kenya!

I'm writing to you from Singapore! It has been my home for the past, almost 1 month now - started on my new job on the 19th of May......What can I say? I'm only glad that I am back at work again, after MIA for 2 years. Getting back into the working world isn't as scary and tough as I imagined. I thought I was gonna have problems getting used to working life again but apart from the lack of sleep (I only manage 7 hours tops now instead of my very comfortable 10 hours for the past 2 years!!!) and the long traveling hours, it really isn't a big deal. I believe being back in Maersk again helped. Hey, I am doing what I know best right? It's like the only job I ever had. The only thing I ever knew how to do.

Colleagues, well, could be better but my own team (sales) members are diamonds. Again, me being been in Maersk before helped coz I see familiar faces back in the sales department again. Although we never worked together before but we have met during sales conferences etc. And being able to tell people that I have been Maersk Russia and Maersk Italy pushed my "value" up a little =p

Am staying with Gie now - it's great except for the traveling. Imagine 30 minutes by bus just to get to the MRT station (7 stations away) and another 30 minutes from MRT to MRT (13 stops) and another 10 minutes just to walk to the office??? ZZZzzzzzz - oh no, I can't coz no seats!!!! *Says I must buy car I must buy car I must buy car* Julia offered for me to stay on but this will be for another day since will need to iron out some issues with Gie before taking it up a level (Julia).

Actually right - I am having writer's block now. Can I write again?? I notice I might be babbling......
